Cultural Arts Festival at Phoenix Art Museum
On April 4, 2019 Maricopa Community Colleges presents its second annual Elemental: Cultural Arts Festival. This unique event invites a diverse group of artists within our student body, faculty, and community to come together and culturally express themselves through art.
Artists showcase their talent in the areas of sound, movement, vision, and expression – i.e. DJing, dance, street art, spoken word, and storytelling. The art exhibition and reception will take place from 5 to 5:30 p.m., and performances from 5:30 to 9 p.m.
Thursday, April 4th, 2019
5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
1625 N. Central Ave
Phoenix AZ 85004
Free Admission
For more information contact:
Kara Thomson at 480-731-8630 or
Dr. Rob Morales at 480-731-8302 or
Celebrate Jazz with PVCC Faculty at The MIM
Indulge your love for all things jazz with live performances of West Coast jazz, bebop, and Latin jazz; screenings of episodes from the Ken Burns film Jazz; and a workshop on the art of scat singing.
PVCC Faculty Josiel Perez’s Afro-Cuban All-Stars kick off the first performance of the weekend with a set of vibrant Latin jazz tunes, a fusion between Afro-Cuban dance music and bebop of 1940s New York City. Hear the next generation of local jazz musicians in Paradise Valley Community College’s Latin Jazz Ensemble.
PC: Joseph Burg
Event Details
Saturday, February 23, 2019 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 24, 2019 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Included with paid museum admission; free for members
Latin Jazz Performance:
1:15–2:00 p.m. Saturday
Fall 2018 Film Festival at PVCC
August 29th, 2018 : Jean De Florette
6:30 p.m. | Free Admission
Center for Performing Arts
City-dweller Jean de Florette (Gerard Depardieu - Cyrano De Bergerac, Green Card) moves his family to the Provence countryside in the 1920s to forge a new life as a farmer. But his proud, cocky neighbouring rival Le Papet (Yves Montand - Wages Of Fear, Manon Des Sources) schemes with his simple-minded nephew Ugolin (Daniel Auteuil - Queen Margot, Manon Des Sources) to acquire some nearby land ensuring the novice owner never discovers an all-important natural spring on the property. Claude Berri's stunning adaptation of the acclaimed Marcel Pagnol novel is the winner of numerous international awards and one of the world's most popular foreign language films.
September 12th, 2018 : The Day I Saw Your Heart
6:30 p.m. | Free Admission
Center for Performing Arts
Families are complicated... Especially when Eli, the father, who's about to be 60, is expecting a baby with his new wife. Upon hearing this news, his two grown daughters, Dom, who is trying to adopt, and Justine, who flits from one boyfriend to the next, are shocked. To get closer to Justine, whom he has never gotten along with, Eli has the bright idea of making friends with all of her exes...without her knowledge. But when Justine falls in love again and Eli is about to ruin everything, this family is on the verge of falling apart. Will they all be able to make peace before it's too late?
September 26th, 2018 : Les Cowboys
6:30 p.m. | Free Admission
Center for Performing Arts
A father sets out to find his missing daughter with the help of his son. You're quite the artsy one, aren't you? Fandango MOVIECLIPS FILM FESTIVALS & INDIE TRAILERS is the destination for...well, all things related to Film Festivals & Indie Films. If you want to keep up with the latest festival news, art house openings, indie movie content, film reviews, and so much more, then you have found the right channel.
October 3rd, 2018 : Les Cowboys
6:30 p.m. | Free Admission
Center for Performing Arts
In the still of the night, three lives are about to cross...a woman abandoned, a stranger awaiting his chance and, a best-selling author who imagines the thriller of the year. Deceptively layered and intriguingly misleading, this highly anticipated new film from Oscar-winning director Claude Lelouch (A MAN AND A WOMAN) stars Dominique Pinon and Fanny Ardant as an unlikely pair caught up in a game with high stakes -- and deadly consequences.
PVCC x PVUSD Art Exhibit
Artist: Emma Pachesky
Please join us in celebrating the work of accomplished students in the Paradise Valley Unified School District. Featuring a variety of media from painting, drawing, cut paper and ceramic sculpture, students from Paradise Valley High School, Pinnacle High School and the North Valley Arts Academies display their individual perspectives and technical skills.
Each work is unique in its theme and composition, and ranges from the surreal to the hyperrealistic. Artwork selected for this exhibit demonstrates the scope of students' experience and interests while forming a collective vision of the future art world.
PVCC's Center for the Performing Arts Gallery
June 11 - July 1, 2018
Thursday, June 21st 5:30-7:30pm
Reception attendees are also invited to attend a free preview of PVCC's summer musical: PETER AND THE STAR CATCHER at 7:30p.m.
Center for the Performing Arts Gallery Hours Operation:
June 11-14 1030am-630pm
June 18-22 1030am-630pm
June 23 5-10pm
June 24 12-5pm
June 25-29 1030am-630pm
June 30 5-10pm
July 1 12-5pm
For additional information about the art exhibit or to schedule a visit, contact the PVCC Box Office at (602) 787-7738 or via e-mail at
No Experience Necessary: Free Music Workshops at PVCC
The music department at Paradise Valley Community College is pleased to present an exciting series of hands-on musical opportunities for students, staff and members of the community. All events in this series are FREE and only require an interest to learn something new and have fun.
6:30 - 8:30 pm | CPA 115 Music Room | June 4, 11, 18, 25
June 4th: The Beatles
June 11th : Selections from Broadway
June 18th: Selections from Disney
June 25th: Selections from Popular Music
6:30 - 8:30 pm | CPA 120 Music Lab | June 4, 11, 18, 25
June 4th: How to do a remix featuring remixed by Beyonce, Katy Perry & U2 - John Keenan
June 11th : Mixing acoustic instruments - Brett Reed
June 18th: Production elements and beat-making for radio-friendly songs - John Keenan
June 25th: Modern drum sounds: mixing with samples - Brett Reed
6:30 - 8:30 pm | KSC 1000 | June 5, 12, 19, 26
Learn to play, sing and dance to the exciting rhythms of Brazil. All drums provided.
6:30 - 8:30 pm | CPA 120 Music Lab | June 6, 13, 20, 27
June 6th: Analog and Modular Synthesis I
June 13th: Analog and Modular Synthesis II
June 20th: Interactive Multimedia Art and Handmade Electronic Music
June 27th: Introduction to Sound Design for Film and Video Games
6:30 - 8:30 pm | CPA 120 Music Lab | June 7, 14, 21, 28
June 7th: The origin of film music. Why music?
June 14th: Diagetic vs. non-diagetic sound
June 21st: Hollywood sound: John Williams (film scoring analysis)
June 28th: The use of leitmotifs as both narrative and structural device (music-dramatic)
For additional information about the NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY events and workshops, please call (602) 787-6596 for information, or e-mail
Guinness World Record Set at PVCC
On Wednesday, March 21st PVCC Ceramics held a Guinness World Record attempt for number of pots thrown in one hour by an individual. Ceramic artist Jim Calhoun and PVCC Faculty David Bradley attempted to break the 159 pots record. David Bradley threw 146, and Jim Calhoun set a new record at 193 pots. The 350 pots thrown that day are being glazed, fired and sold to benefit the Natalia Lantseva Ceramic Scholarship fund at PVCC. Congratulations to Jim Calhoun of Calhoun Stoneware Hand Thrown on a new Guinness World Record!
This Week at PVCC: December 4th, 2017
The Center for the Performing Arts Gallery at Paradise Valley Community College is pleased to
announce Tracing Absence: Work by Jessica Palomo. The artwork will be on view from November 2 - December 18, 2017. The reception is December 6, at 6:30pm. The reception is open to the public; light refreshments will be served. The CPA Gallery is open and free to the public, Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm. Parking is available on the NE side of the CPA.
Jessica Palomo’s work is a response to the grief of losing a loved one, a trauma that can overload and fracture the conscious mind, causing a shattered emotional state. Through abstraction and mark-making, she explores the dynamics of this ruptured reality that place identity and emotion in a liminal, ambiguous space.
PVCC Women's Chorus, Monday Jazz Combo and Composers/Improvisors Big Band
Monday, December 4th at 7:30pm. CPA Mainstage Theater. Free Admission.
PVCC Community Concert Band and Wednesday "Little" Big Band (Jazz)
Wednesday, December 6th at 7:30pm. CPA Mainstage Theater. Free Admission.
PVCC Brazilian Percussion Ensemble, Cello Ensemble, String Ensemble, Flute Ensemble
Thursday December 7th at 7:30pm. CPA Mainstage Theater. Free Admission.
December 7th, 8th and 9th at 7:30pm; December 10th at 2:00pm.
Studio Theater/M‐East Building. $5 Admission.
Advanced Directing Student Shows: "More To Love"
• "Quite A Stunner" written and directed by Joey Whelan.
• "The Open Door" written by Alfred Sutro and directed by Taylor McMurray.
• "Forsaken" written by Kitt Lavoie and directed by Jordyn Drake.
Sunday, December 10th, 12:00pm-2:00pm. Desert Ridge Marketplace. Free Admission.
Desert Ridge Marketplace is pleased to present a Sunday Jazz Series with Paradise Valley Community College. Proudly sponsored by the Musical Instrument Museum, the series explores the rich musical traditions of various jazz composers and genres. Held on September 10th, October 8th and December 10th from 12-2pm on the MainStage at the Mall, the Jazz Series is led by PVCC music faculty Dr. Brett Reed and features PVCC instructors in the ensemble.
Balkan Art Documentary by Professor David Bradley
This summer Professor David Bradley spent a month touring Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of a Fulbright Hays faculty development program. One of 16 high school and community college educators from Arizona, the program was designed to increase awareness of European Muslim culture and art in order to incorporate that understanding in PVCC course curricula.
During his stay Professor Bradley visited galleries, met artists and saw street art in Sarajevo that commented on the war and widespread corruption in the Bosnian government. Intrigued by this theme, he returned to the region in October for another month to interview artists and gather examples of art around social justice themes to present to PVCC students. The footage from this multimedia sabbatical project has now developed into a documentary film.

When Professor Bradley met artist Edo Vejselovic, they collaborated to transform the footage into a narrative on how artists in the Balkan region are reflecting on their history and the current factors in their daily lives. The goal of the crowdfunding campaign is to distribute the film to festivals in the US and the Balkans and show the world a positive message about what's happening artistically in this rich, historical region.
Learn more and support the project at:
Sunday Jazz Series at Desert Ridge Marketplace
Desert Ridge Marketplace is pleased to present the Sunday Jazz Series with Paradise Valley Community College. Proudly sponsored by the Musical Instrument Museum (, the series explores the rich musical traditions of various jazz composers and genres. Held on September 10th, October 8th and December 10th from 12-2pm on the MainStage at the Mall, the Jazz Series is led by PVCC music faculty Dr. Brett Reed and features PVCC instructors in the ensemble.